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Security Awareness

Lesson Overview

This lesson provides an introduction to security awareness and the importance of following security awareness best practices. You will learn about three main topics:

  1. Security Awareness Defined
  2. Threats to Security
  3. Importance of Awareness

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Security Awareness Puzzle***l p***r Organizations face information security risks everyday and you can help to reduce these risks.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l b***r ***l b***r ***l i***r ***l e***r Security Awareness***l /e***r ***l /i***r ***l /b***r ***l /b***r  is the proactive measure of making all employees aware of how to protect organizational and customer information through the process of information security.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l b***r Instructions***l /b***r ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l i***r Complete the puzzle by dragging and dropping the pieces to learn more about security awareness.***l /i***r ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r Common information security measures.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r How to put security best practices into action.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r How to protect valuable information.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r How to recognize and respond to information security threats.***l /p***r ***l br/***r IntroductionSecurity Awareness teaches:Security Awareness teaches you:InstructionsSummary
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***l p***r What do you think is the biggest threat to an organization's information security?***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l b***r Instructions***l /b***r ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l i***r Click to select your answer.***l /i***r ***l /p***r ***l br/***r sample***l p***r Malicious software***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l b***r Incorrect***l /b***r .***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r Malicious software poses a large threat to an organization's information security.  However, it is only one of many potential attacks on an organization's information systems.  ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r Additionally, there are threats on physical security, hard copy data, and even phone systems and the list goes on.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r The human factor - what employees do or don't do - is the biggest threat to information security.  ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r Employee actions***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l b***r Correct!***l /b***r ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r The human factor - what employees do or don't do - is the biggest threat to information security.  Following secure procedures and best practices is critical to keeping your organization's information safe.***l /p***r ***l br/***r true***l p***r Con Artists***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l b***r Incorrect.***l /b***r ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r Con artists, also known as social engineers in the information security world, are behind most information security attacks.  Their ploys use deception to gain access to information through a variety of channels, including the internet, phone systems and even physical entry.  However, a little awareness goes a long way to avoid becoming a victim.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r The human factor - what employees do or don't do - is the biggest threat to information security.  ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r Weak Security Policy***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r ***l b***r Incorrect.***l /b***r ***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r A strong information security policy is critical to keeping information safe.  However, a strong policy is only effective if it is enforced and followed by employees.  Building a culture of security awareness supported by training can greatly reduce an organization's risk.***l /p***r ***l br/***r ***l p***r The human factor - what employees do or don't do - is the biggest threat to information security.  ***l /p***r ***l br/***r Take a GuessView QuestionAnswerView Answer
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You interact with valuable information every day, and no matter what your job is, it is your responsibility to protect that information.

Actions you take each day can have a direct effect on the security of your organization's information. Even simple actions that may seem harmless can expose your organization to a wide variety of information security risks.

Following security awareness best practices and your organization's security policy can greatly reduce security threats.

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